Streamline Your Maintenance Work Process


Be More Efficient with Embedded References

When faced with completing a maintenance task, referencing technical information from many sources is a complex and time-consuming endeavor, especially when information is presented in multi-level links. Embedded references help technicians be more productive and efficient by presenting information in a more comprehensive way, embedded inline with the associated step of the task. Technicians and mechanics no longer have to lose their place on what stage of the task there are working on by opening multiple tabs and digging deep to find the information they need when they need it.


Simplify the Process to Get the Information You Need

The Challenge

Using a typical OEM AMM Pageblock Task, an airline customer had difficulties finding the information needed to perform a given task. AMM Pageblock Tasks are filled with links to other tasks, subtasks, and even external manuals. As maintenance technicians worked through procedures using the AMM, they had to follow multiple links associated with the task by digging several layers deep before completing the task. This resulted in numerous tabs open to different pageblocks and led to confusion on where they started the task and what remains to be done.


The Solution

Flatirons solved this issue with Pinpoint Embedded References. While maintenance technicians can still open a reference link in a separate tab, they can now choose to open the referenced task “embedded” within the current pageblock keeping all relevant maintenance information in one view, increasing productivity and reducing frustration.


Get the Most Out of Your Technical Content Investment

Quickly access critical data without opening multiple browser tabs

Expand and compress linked data within an open document to efficiently navigate associated maintenance procedures

Reduce information search time to maximize aircraft touch time

Because of multiple sources of information, I used to dread having to find the data I needed to complete a task. With Flatirons Pinpoint Embedded References, I now can easily drill down to find the information I need without opening multiple tabs. This streamlines how I complete my tasks and makes me more productive by closing out tasks faster.”


Need More Information?

Want to learn more about Embedded References and the Flatirons Technical Content Management System? Contact us, and we will be happy to answer any questions or show you a demo.

Flatirons Solutions